Monday, February 25, 2008

Deep Thoughts with Drew

I believe that one of the ways maturity shows itself is that a person realizes some things about themselves and accepts them as fact. Can people change, absolutely – but they have to be willing to accept the facts as they stand. For example, math has never been my strong point – can that change? Sure, but I’m not in that big of a hurry to sign up for a calculus class any time soon! Also, I have always admired people who run marathons, but I have no desire to put in hours and hours every week, to prepare for the race. I prefer to use my time doing other things (which usually involve potato chips or French fries).

Which leads us to my point, discipline is something that is difficult and requires commitment. You become like what ever you are committed to. If you run eventually you will look and act like a runner (beyond a sweat suit and shoes). If you take enough classes and do your homework, you will have a degree of math proficiency.

So at age 33, I realize that I am maturing (whether I like it or not). I have chosen to follow a certain life course. I have chosen a certain lifestyle, to be a certain kind of father, person, etc.. and the Lord has blessed me. Sometimes the decisions have been good and sometimes not so good. I realize that I will more than likely will never be president of the United States, fly in outer space, or shoot spider webs out of my hands as a super hero. And you know what? – I’m ok with that. God has blessed me and I am happy with my life.


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Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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