Boys Slow Down
Getting Away
Building More Than A Wheelchair Ramp
Hi Drew,
As a matter of fact, the Littles told me a story of how, at one point in the past, Ed had fallen off the top of the concrete ramp and ended up strapped upside down with his power chair on top of him. That must have been a scary moment - those power chairs are incredibly heavy.
Three Churches
Six Bucks
Let me get to the point. I have a job where I am constantly thinking about cost (I know for example how much the four color folding map we were given would cost). Someone has to pay for the person at the gate to take my money, the campus itself, the bus, gas, upkeep, landscaping, personnel, on and on – and we get all this for six dollars!
Who’s paying for all this? Our elected officials feel that the story of Harper’s Ferry is important enough to spend what has to be hundreds of thousands of dollars to let people know the story.
There is a saying that goes something like, “if we do not know our history, we are condemned to repeat it.” I know it’s not the exact quote – but think about a modified version of the quote, “if we know our history, we can build upon it.” We become a better nation when we and our children know what has happened. John Brown is a hero to some, and a hated person of antiquity for others. But he and his story allow our society to move forward, having learned from him. A society moving forward is worth me paying the six bucks.
Knowing your history helps you to build upon the future, whether it be unmentionable or heroic. Just keep moving forward.
Teacher Conference
I just find it a shame that our society needs someone to tell us how to talk to each other. Whatever happened to courtesy, common respect for each other, or even just love for our neighbor?
Kimberly and I left the meeting encouraged, a list of things to work on with our boys, and a renewed high respect for professional educators.
Yes, we did use the sheet of paper, and we did ask some of their questions – it was helpful.
Pop Pop Goes to School
In the Street
The highlight of the day was to see our young children precisely and effectively sharing the gospel to other children. Sometimes you begin to wonder “are we making a difference?” and God gives you something like this past Saturday. I was very precious be apart of this wonderful event.
Friday Friends – Cathy, Glen, and Brody Fudge
This past Saturday was Daybreak’s quarterly Respite ministry. This is where we provide a program for children with special needs so that their parents can get a break and rest. This was a special respite because we had a new friend join us. His name is Brody and he is a 100+ lbs. Malamute. Brody is a rescued gentle giant, who this past Saturday brought joy to many children.
What Can Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street Teach Us?
[1] Head Start is a Federal program for preschool children from low-income families. The Head Start program is operated by local non-profit organizations in almost every county in the country. Children who attend Head Start participate in a variety of educational activities. They also receive free medical and dental care, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe setting.
[2] E.D. Hirsch. The Schools We Need (
Vision –Part Two
1. Christ calls us to lay our lives down for others (1 John 3:16)
2. Paul as an example shows us how (1 Corinthians 9)
3. Things that are alive change, if they don’t they die. (what would you say about an infant that remained an infant for 5 years? – would not something be wrong?)
4. You already believe in Christ, and by your willingness to change, others can come to believe as well. You can be missional simply by being willing and open to change.
Vision-Part One
I am the type of guy that not a lot of things scare me. It doesn’t bother me to jump out of planes, rappel tall towers, or going extremely fast. Animals insects, ect.. don’t bother me (except for snakes-yuck). But there is a word, that when it is spoken causes a chill to go up my spine. It is the word “vision” – even writing it now, I’m wigging out. Every leadership book I have read speaks of sharing your vision, always talk about your vision, etc… I realize that as a young pastor/leader there are so many things that I don’t know, and desperately realize how very far I have to go to be a “superpastor.”
Daybreak is a church that is helping people. We are helping people here in Frederick (Hope Alive, Frederick Food Bank, Children’s Camps, Special Needs, Prayer, etc…). We are also helping people in our country (mission trips to
How Are You Helping People?
We begin with ourselves. We want to be real and authentic with how we truly are and live. We understand that the world wants nothing to do with hypocritical Christians. We know that God is not pleased with this type of religious people (see Matthew 23). So we seek to be deep in our relationship with Jesus.
Because all people are important. Jesus died for them. He gave His life, and so as His disciples or followers we are to do the same. We lay down our lives for others (John 10:14).
We understand that we are growing ourselves, and we become better people by having diversity within our church. You can feel comfortable, no matter what your background may be. We know people aren’t the same and we look forward to learning from each other.
Gospel Magic
how did he do that?
About Me
- Drew Boswell
- I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at