Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Modern Day Psalm

David is the Bible is a man that I really respect. Besides being a musician, fierce warrior, he was also a great leader. While he was running from Saul people from all over the countryside joined his band of misfits. He had a magnetic personality and leadership style. I believe that one of the characteristics of being a magnetic leader is transparency. David, in many ways, wore his heart on his sleeve. David wrote psalms, poems, songs, etc.. as expressions of love for his God, and his spiritual journey.

Some time ago, as I was studying the Bible, my heart was heavy and I wrote my own form of a psalm. Sometimes it helps just to put something down on paper. Before you read it, just know that I do not think that what I have written is “Scripture” – it is just something that I hope helps you today.

A Psalm to the Lord

My sin keeps me up at night,

it robs me of sleep and it haunts my thoughts

that should be focused on you and your purpose.

My sin remains as long as I desire it

and returns when my focus is not on you.

My enemies return and my heart pounds

and I look to my sin for relief

instead of you as my fortress and wisdom.

It is a broken crutch.

Lord cleanse me and forgive me.

I know your presence and companionship.

Your plan is far better than my sin – please take it away.

I thought it was gone, but here it is again.

Keep my ways pure and my path straight.

It is my desire to follow You.



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Gospel Magic
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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at www.daybreak-church.com. I also have a web site at www.drewboswell.com.

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