Saturday, September 15, 2007

Just Watch the Movie

My wife Kimberly had a mom’s night out last night so I rented Star Wars IV, and V – for the kids. Someone had rented episode VI (curse you aqua scum). Star Wars IV was the first movie I ever went to, and I was about the same age as my twin boys. This was a special moment that my father and I shared that I wanted to duplicate with my children.

Once Kimberly left, we popped popcorn and we all (four of us) settled into my recliner. We cranked up the surround sound and I was ready for a great night of watching movies together (quietly).

It wasn’t too long before the questions started popping like the half eaten popcorn in our bucket –

“Dad, are they good guys or bad guys”

“Is this a good guy planet or a bad guy planet?”

“I thought Luke Skywalker’s dad died in the lava pit . . .”

“What is the force?”

“Can I have the rest of your popcorn?”

After about 20 questions and realizing how rusty my Star Wars trivia was, I just started saying – let’s just watch the movie. Just watch the movie! Shhhhhhhh.

I realize that in my Christian journey, and even as a leader, I constantly ask questions through the movie. Why is this person or family here? Should we start a new ministry? Why are they doing that? On and on and on. What I learned last night, there in the recliner, was that I was missing God’s answers to my questions because I wouldn’t be still and quiet long enough to just watch and see what God is doing. It will all make sense if I just keep watching. Shhhhh.

“Be still and know that I am God.”


Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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