The Wondrous Ride
We have a bin of movies that sit beneath our television, and my children plumage through them, and yes it is necessary to them to take every single one of them out and line them out on the floor. On one of these occasions, they decided that they wanted to watch Polar Express.
Will They Cry Out?
A Modern Day Psalm
David is the Bible is a man that I really respect. Besides being a musician, fierce warrior, he was also a great leader. While he was running from Saul people from all over the countryside joined his band of misfits. He had a magnetic personality and leadership style. I believe that one of the characteristics of being a magnetic leader is transparency. David, in many ways, wore his heart on his sleeve. David wrote psalms, poems, songs, etc.. as expressions of love for his God, and his spiritual journey.
My sin keeps me up at night,
it robs me of sleep and it haunts my thoughts
that should be focused on you and your purpose.
My sin remains as long as I desire it
and returns when my focus is not on you.
My enemies return and my heart pounds
and I look to my sin for relief
instead of you as my fortress and wisdom.
It is a broken crutch.
Lord cleanse me and forgive me.
I know your presence and companionship.
Your plan is far better than my sin – please take it away.
I thought it was gone, but here it is again.
Keep my ways pure and my path straight.
It is my desire to follow You.
The Two Chapter Sixs
As a church staff we have recently read Mark Driscol’s book Radical Reformission and we are currently in the middle of Rob Bell’s book Velvet Elvis. In both of their books, chapter six seems to be their most radical chapters. For Driscol it is his acceptance and even encouragement to drink alcohol, specifically beer. For
Guard Your Time
I usually take Fridays off from work and try spend the whole day doing something with my family. But recently, I confess, Fridays have become crowded with other stuff.
You have to guard your time, and make sure that those precious moments spent with your family don't slip through your fingers. I don't want to be one of those guys who gained the world, but lost what was most important to him.
Shallow Hal Disciple Making
Adults Need Heros Too
My wife Kimberly was absolutely star struck when she saw Miss Pattycake at a recent concert. If you are not familiar with Miss Pattycake, she is a wonderful Christian performer who ministers to pre-schoolers (and their parents) through music and movement. Kimberly sang all the songs, did all the movements and would not stop talking to her even when it was no longer our turn to stand in line and have our picture taken with her. She was absolutely giddy. But you know, adults need heroes too. We live in a world where those that stand up for what they believe, live it out, and last the test of time are very few and far between. We need to see that someone out there has done it, so that we can have hope to be able to do it too. You go Miss Pattycake!
Developing Creativity – Part Two
If I again boil down what I do, I am essentially a storyteller – how many different ways are there to tell a story. I tried puppets, magic tricks, objects lessons, games – the options are limitless. We generally think there is only one way to do what we do. But to try new things requires that you take some risk.
Developing Creativity - Part One
The best storytellers are those that live through the story they are telling and actually let it deeply affect them. They actually convince people that for a moment in time, they are actually transported to distant lands, different times, and are moved to do or become something larger than themselves.
The best storytellers are also something that strikes fear into my heart – they are CREATIVE. I am comfortable being “inspired” (another word for stealing or borrowing) by other’s work because I know that it has already been well received. Creative moments are by definition, things that have never been done before. It is scary because you don’t know how others will receive it. Will they like it? Will they hate it? Will it move them – or bore them to tears?
At a recent mission trip to
We had the funeral service today, and at one point the thought went through my brain, “I’ve killed the church.” And to be honest I am not sure how things will work out. But creativity (even as a gift from the Lord) is not worth much if you don’t carry it through.
So, my first point is, give it a shot. You could fail, and they might hate it. But what if you succeed and they love it? You’ll never know until you try. For me, what if the funeral service is a turning point in our church? What happens to a church when it stops taking risks? What happens when its leaders wait until someone else does it first?
I am not naturally a creative person, but over the next couple of posts I wanted to give a couple of ideas of how I have learned to foster creativity. So that in whatever it is that you, at your most basic level, endeavor to do, you can take these ideas and apply them to your life.
Just Watch the Movie
My wife Kimberly had a mom’s night out last night so I rented Star Wars IV, and V – for the kids. Someone had rented episode VI (curse you aqua scum). Star Wars IV was the first movie I ever went to, and I was about the same age as my twin boys. This was a special moment that my father and I shared that I wanted to duplicate with my children.
Once Kimberly left, we popped popcorn and we all (four of us) settled into my recliner. We cranked up the surround sound and I was ready for a great night of watching movies together (quietly).
It wasn’t too long before the questions started popping like the half eaten popcorn in our bucket –
“Dad, are they good guys or bad guys”
“Is this a good guy planet or a bad guy planet?”
“I thought Luke Skywalker’s dad died in the lava pit . . .”
“What is the force?”
“Can I have the rest of your popcorn?”
After about 20 questions and realizing how rusty my Star Wars trivia was, I just started saying – let’s just watch the movie. Just watch the movie! Shhhhhhhh.
I realize that in my Christian journey, and even as a leader, I constantly ask questions through the movie. Why is this person or family here? Should we start a new ministry? Why are they doing that? On and on and on. What I learned last night, there in the recliner, was that I was missing God’s answers to my questions because I wouldn’t be still and quiet long enough to just watch and see what God is doing. It will all make sense if I just keep watching. Shhhhh.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Getting Started
So this blog is dedicated to that purpose. I promise that if you come back, you will never see pictures of cats, or stories of how I have a rash (which I don't) or any other trivial subjects. I will attempt, with each new post, to have something that I have learned that I feel will benefit others.
So we begin with purpose -- why have yet another blog? Specifically why should I begin a blog? It is my desire to expand my realm of influence beyond my congregation and to potentially share the truths of the Bible to many others. And I also understand that I have along ways to go before I am one of those super-pastors. So repsond back and we can learn together. Welcome to our journey together.
Gospel Magic
how did he do that?
About Me
- Drew Boswell
- I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at