Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I finally fried our turkey. It was a 15 lb. turkey from Sam’s and it was delicious. I got a little nervous when I put it in because I didn’t have enough oil in the pot. It was six inches too short from covering the backend of the bird. So when I added the extra oil, the temperature dropped to close to 200 degrees. I pumped up the heat (it looked like the back end of a fighter jet) which took about ten minutes to get it back to 300 degrees. The oil began to rumble and there was a little bubbling over the edge of the pot as the oil shot out the end of the bird like a poultry volcano. I cooked it for 55 minutes, and it came out a nice golden brown. This was definitely a cool way to cook something!

I had a ladder set up over the pot and rigged it to a pulley so that I could pull it out in case of emergency (along with a fire extinguisher close by) and so that it could drain into the pot.

This was also the first time I carved an entire turkey. I used and electric knife (of course), and separated the white meat from the dark. The hardest part was keeping Hannah-Grace out of it long enough to finish.

We ended the meal by throwing a nerf football around in the backyard and somehow I fell asleep on our living room floor (how or when I don't remember).

Long story short – our house is still in one piece – no fire, fun with family, and one delicious turkey.

Oh, the bottom picture is deep fried oreos -- yum! And did you notice the name of my blog is something to chew on? When I named it that a year ago, I really didn't think it would have anything to do with cooking. Such is life.


Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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