Thursday, May 15, 2008

Small Groups Start This Sunday

Sunday begins our next round of small groups at Daybreak. This will be the second consecutive time that Kimberly and I have led a group. Last time was so much fun, we just knew we had to do it again. You never know exactly what will happen, what people will say, or how the group dynamic will be.

For this round we will be discussing Paul Little's book Know Why You Believe. It deals with questions like, "How can you know that there is a God?," "Did Jesus really rise from the dead?" or "Why is there pain and evil in the world?"


Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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