Saturday, April 5, 2008

Dance Pictures

I was up to past 12 last night laying everything out, packing snacks, checking and double checking that I had everything needed for a photo shoot (bobby pins, lipstick, hair piece, etc…) along with all the stuff needed for the boy’s swim lesson, and an infant.

I did H-G’s hair (it took me a few tries) and pinned and sprayed down everything. We got there a whole ten minutes early, but ended up having to wait forty minutes until our turn. So I had a little girl who was ready to dance, dressed in a spotless white dress with delicate flowers and a face full of makeup and lipstick. She was very active but was very good. I ended up with little lips on my pants by my knee, but that’s ok because I forgot that after you put on lipstick you are supposed to blot. Kimberly didn’t remind me of that during our practice round. Anyway after finally having her picture, I realized that I left the checkbook at home –oh no! The photographer was nice and said I could mail it in. swewhhh. Beside the check, I also forgot to pack H-G a shirt, so she kept her sweat jacket on all day.

I am glad that the minister’s wives retreat is only once a year!


Anonymous said...

Way to Go!!!

Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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