Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

So I was listening to NPR (I know, I know) at they were doing a book review discussion of Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. They discussed many things including the last line of the book, "and it was still hot." Anyway that day the commercial came on television for the book to become a movie. Something snapped within me and I went out and bought the book. We had checked it out of the library years ago, but I wanted them to love the books and to "rumpus" around before they saw it on a movie screen. I wanted them to love the book first -- before it in their brain as a movie. There are just some books that should stay books! Any thoughts?


Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at I also have a web site at

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