Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cub Scout Day Camp

This week Joshua and Caleb have been attending the Cub Scout Day Camp. The theme for this year is "Jungle Book" based on Rudyard Kipling's book (Not Disney's). If you want to read about it click here. Activities include archery, crafts, BBs, sports (kickball, swimming, etc.), sling shots, nature, and "Scout Skills." They have enjoyed the camp, but are really looking forward to earning their "whitl'n chip." This is an award that allows them to carry a pocket knife on their uniforms. The temperature has varied between hot and slightly hot -- but overall "bearable." (They are Bears, sorry for the Cub Scout humor). The boys have made some new friends, learned some new life skills, and are having a blast.


pocket knife said...

Hey, that's nice post! I ;like that kind of events/camps and also participate in that.When i am going with my friend then we have get training about Swiss army knife and use of pocket knife in some bad conditions.

Gospel Magic

Gospel Magic
how did he do that?

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I am the father of four wonderful children and the husband of the best woman on the planet. I am pastor at Daybreak Community Church, check us out at www.daybreak-church.com. I also have a web site at www.drewboswell.com.

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